Friday 4 July 2014

Making of the list

I am only 23 but have been inspired to take on the challenge of writing and then completing a list of '30 things to do Before I'm 30'
I figured 6 and a bit years will give me enough time to plan and complete the list that is made and also gives room for some more ambitious stuff to be put on there than say if I had a year to complete it.

Here is the list so far:

1) Watch all the films on IMDB's top 250 list - just counted and I have already seen 50 so not off to a bad start with this one

2) Read all of the books on Waterstones' '50 Books To Read Before You Die ' list - again just counted and I have read 8...pretty poor going for a bookworm. This one will be tough as some of those books are big novels and whole series are counted as just one entry on the list

3) Get my PhD then find a post doc job - I am currently in the 1st year of my PhD so fingers crossed everything goes to plan

4) Become a qualified dance instructor and teach my 1st lesson - Finally after over 3 years of being a pole dancer I am due to do both foundation and advanced instructor training with pole passion in October so providing I pass that this one is doable :)

5) Go on holiday on my own, outside the UK- I love to travel so think this is self explanatory

6) Raise £1000 for charity - I am going to say this is starting as of now and so far I have planned to raise at least £200 by doing a zipwire from the Tyne Bridge in Newcastle for 'The multiple Sclerosis Trust' and a fire walk for 'The Womens Centre' in thinking that is a good start :)

7) Learn to taste wine properly- It isn't much of a secret that I love wine so being able to appreciate it better is a good thing in my book

8) Take an entry level course in something I have never done before- I love a challenge :) picking what to learn is gunna be fun...maybe massage?? Thinking of joining massage soc in September so that is an option?? Not sure what would count as an entry level course

9) Learn/improve a language- thinking I could brush up on German? Have always wanted to learn Spanish or Italian so who knows. And this won't count toward item 8 as learning a new language is technically something I have done before at school

10) Secure and do a paid performance gig- I have performed at several charity gigs, showcases and a society ball either solo or as part of a group. All done for free. As someone who always dreamed of being a professional dancer this would be a dream come true

11)Learn and perfect a new circus skill- I already do pole/chinese pole, aerial hoop/lyra, trapeze, silks and rope. I have performed on pole and aerial hoop. I am also learning how to hula hoop currently :) this will not count towards item 8 as again I guess technically this is something I have done before. suggestions of skill to learn are more than welcome

12) Run a marathon/ Race for Life/ Colour run- I have already done The Newcastle Stampede as part of the tempest warriors team. The stampede is a 10km run with mud and obstacles (basically baby tough mudder)...know my running needs to be improved but these are hopefully doable goals

13) Take a picture every day for a year- tried to do that this year and failed. I think it is a brilliant way to document the year and have something to look back on

14) Experience zero gravity/weightlessness- I am fascinated with most things astronomy and space related. This just seems like an awesome experience

15) Solve a Rubik's cube- something I have never done and feel it will improve my levels of patience. To say I have completed this it will mean that I do not cheat by looking up solutions.

16) Watch a meteor shower- again this goes back to loving astronomy

17) See the Northern Lights/aurora borealis - in pictures they look so beautiful! Think this is something that will be on a lot of peoples bucketlists and know it may be ambitious to put in this list but if you don't try you never know

18) Go scuba diving with sharks- I am trained to PADI open water level so part way there with this. It is a total adrenaline junkie thing that I have wanted to do since I learned to scuba dive

This is the list so far :) Please comment with any suggestions of things to add. Feel free to tweet or facebook me as well :)